ABD ve Kanada'da istediğiniz
Kızıderili millet ve topluluk ulaşmak için
tıklayın. |
24 Nisan 2009 Yazan: Muhammed S Mercan
Kaplumbağa Ada Kuzey Amerikanın gerçek isimdir. Kristof Kolum'dan Atlas
okynusunu geçtiği zaman Hindistana ulaştığını zannetti. Sonra Amerigo
Vespucci İspanyollara Kaplumbağa Ada kıtasının Hindistan olmadığını söyledi
ve Kaplumbağa Ada'ya Amerigo Vespucci isminden Amerika isim verildi.
İspanyollar, İnglizler, Fransızler, Holandalılar ve değişik ülkelerden
Avrupalılar, Kaplumbağa Ada'da sümürgeler kurdular ve 500 sene boyunca
Kızılderililere dünyanın tarihinde en büyük soykırım yaparak Kaplumbağa
Ada'yı işgal ettiler.
ABD ve Kanada devletleri Kaplumbağa Ada Kızılderililerini toplu kamplara
koydular. Avlamayı yasakladılar ve ava çıkanları yerinde öldürüyordular.
Çadir kurmayı yasakladılar ve topluca ahıra benzeyen binalar içinde koydular.
Kizilderili çocuklarini yatılı okullarina götürdular ve orada Kızılderili
çocuklarini dovuyordular ve tecavuz ediyordular. Bu yatılı okullarda
onbinlerce Kızılderili çocuk öldü. Bazı kızlar tecevazdan sonra hamileliktan
öldü, bazısı dayak ve tecavuzdan öldü. Bazısı hastaliktan öldü. Bazısı
kacarken öldüruldu. Kızılderililere dil ve kültür yasakladılar. ABD ve
Kanada'da Vietnam savası dolaydan ve Kızılderili ve zencilerin haklarina
direnen kişiler dolayından Kızılderiliere bir takım insan hakları verildi.
Kızılderili çocuklarin yerleştirildiği en son yatılı okul 1996'da kapandı.
Rezervasyon diye Kızılderiliere yapılmış toplu kampler Kızılderili ait
toprak olarak tanıdı ve mahkeme davalardan sonra Kızılderiliere bazı yereli
geri alabildiler. Ahır benzeyen binalar yerinde kendilere evler yaptıar.
Kendi diller ve kültürler tekrar öğrenmeye başladılar ve 2005de daha çok
haklara ulaştılar, ama ABD ve Kanada devletlerden ve Avrupalilerden zulum ve
asimilasyon baskılar hala var.
ABD'de Hollywood film şirketi Kızılderililer hakkında yanlış imaj verdi
ve bu filimler dünya çapında yayınlandı. Bir çok Kızılderili olmayan kişiler
Hollywood filmlere göre kendini Kızılderili yapıyorlar. Kaplumbağa Ada'nın
düzlük bölgesinde yaşıyan Kızılderili milletlerde bulunan tipi çadırlar ve
reis başlıklar gibi şeyler kulanmak istiyorlar. Tüm milletler gibi, tüm
Kızılderili milletler, başkasının onların hakkında yanlış şeyler söylemek ve
onların kültürler su istimal etmek istemezler. Tüm Kızılderilileri milletler
Yerli milletlerdir (indigenous peoples) ve Yerli milletler olarak hakları
var. Tüm Kızılderilileri milletler çok eski ve çok zengin kültüre sahibdir.
Bu çok eski ve çok zengin Yerli kültürde çok değerli bilgiler var.
Kızılderilerin gerçeği kabul etmek istemeyen ve farklı Kızılderilileri
milletlerin kültürü öğrenmek yerinde Hollywood filmlere göre kendini
Kızılderili yapan kişi, Kızılderilileri milletlerin kültürde bulunan değerli
bilgilerden faydalanamazlar ve Yerli kültürün zenginliğine ulaşamaz.
ABD ve Kanada'da Kızıderili milletleri ve toplulukları:
Rezervasyonun İsim Devlet idarenin İsim
Millet/Etnik Group Toplum Ayalet
Alberta - AB
Alexander 134 Alexander First Nation AB
Alexander 134a Alexander First Nation AB
Alexander 134b Alexander First Nation AB
Alexis 133 Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation Nakoda AB
Alexis Cardinal River 234 Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation Nakoda AB
Alexis Elk River 233 Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation Nakoda AB
Alexis Whitecourt 232 Alexis Nakota Sioux First Nation Nakoda AB
Allison Bay 219 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Amber River 211 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Assineau River 150f Swan River First Nation AB
Beaver Lake 131 Beaver Lake Cree Nation Cree AB
Beaver Ranch 163 Talltree First Nation AB
Beaver Ranch 163a Talltree First Nation AB
Beaver Ranch 163b Talltree First Nation AB
Big Horn 144a Bearspaw Band, Chiniki Band, Wesley Band Nakoda AB
Bistcho Lake 213 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Blood 148 Kainai Nation Blood (Blackfoot) SW of Lethbridge AB
Blood 148Aa Kainai Nation Blood (Blackfoot) SW of Lethbridge AB
Blue Quills First Nation Beaver Lake Cree Nation, Cold Lake First Nations,
Heart Lake First Nation, Kehewin Cree Nation Cree Frog Lake, Saddle Lake AB
Boyer 164 Danezaa AB
Buck Lake 133c Paul Band AB
Buffalo Lake Métis Settlement AB
Bushe River 207 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Cadotte Lake Indian Settlement Woodland Cree First Nation Cree AB
Charles Lake 225 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Child Lake 164a Danezaa AB
Chipewyan 201 Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201a Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201b Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201c Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201d Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201e Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201f Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Chipewyan 201g Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation Chipewyan AB
Clear Hills 152c Horse Lake First Nation AB
Clearwater 175 Fort McMurray First Nation Cree, Chipewyan AB
Cold Lake 149 Cold Lake First Nations AB
Cold Lake 149a Cold Lake First Nations AB
Cold Lake 149b Cold Lake First Nations AB
Cold Lake 149c Cold Lake First Nations AB
Collin Lake 223 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Cornwall Lake 224 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Cowper Lake 194a Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Chipewyan AB
Desmarais Settlement Bigstone Cree Nation Cree AB
Devil's Gate 220 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Dog Head 218 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Drift Pile River 150 Driftpile First Nation AB
Duncans 151a Duncan's First Nation AB
Eden Valley 216 Bearspaw Band, Chiniki Band, Wesley Band Nakoda AB
Ermineskin 138 Ermineskin Cree Nation Cree Hobbema AB
Fitzgerald No. 196 Salt River First Nation #195 Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Fort Smith, Northwest Territories AB
Fort McKay 174 Fort McKay First Nation AB
Fort McKay 174c Fort McKay First Nation AB
Fort McKay 174d Fort McKay First Nation AB
FFort Vermilion 173b Talltree First Nation AB
Fox Lake 162 Little Red River Cree Nation Cree AB
Frog Lake 121 AB
Garden Creek Indian Settlement Little Red River Cree Nation Cree AB
Gregoire Lake 176 Fort McMurray First Nation Cree, Chipewyan AB
Gregoire Lake 176a Fort McMurray First Nation Cree, Chipewyan AB
Gregoire Lake 176b Fort McMurray First Nation Cree, Chipewyan AB
Hay Lake 209 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Heart Lake 167 Heart Lake First Nation AB
Heart Lake 167a Heart Lake First Nation AB
Hokedhe Túe 196e Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Horse Lakes 152b Horse Lake First Nation AB
Jackfish Point 214 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Janvier 194 Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Chipewyan AB
Jean Baptiste Gambier 183 Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Calling Lake AB
John D'or Prairie 215 Little Red River Cree Nation Cree AB
K'i Túe 196d Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Kapaweno First Nation 150b Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kapaweno First Nation 150c Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kapaweno First Nation 150d Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kapawe'no First Nation 229 Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kapawe'no First Nation 230 Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kapawe'no First Nation 231 Kapawe'no First Nation AB
Kehiwin 123 Kehewin Cree Nation Cree AB
Little Buffalo Indian Settlement Lubicon Lake Indian Nation Cree AB
Loon Lake 235 Loon River Cree Cree AB
Loon Prairie 237 Loon River Cree Cree AB
Louis Bull 138b Louis Bull First Nation AB
Montana 139 Montana First Nation AB
Namur Lake 174b Fort McKay First Nation AB
Namur River 174a Fort McKay First Nation AB
O'Chiese 203 O'Chiese First Nation Saulteaux AB
O'Chiese Cemetery 203a O'Chiese First Nation Saulteaux AB
Old Fort 217 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Peace Point 222 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Peigan Timber Limit "B" Piikani Nation Northern Peigan AB
Pigeon Lake 138a Ermineskin Cree Nation, Louis Bull First Nation, Montana
First Nation, Sampson First Nation Cree AB
Piikani 147 Piikani Nation Northern Peigan Brocket, Pincher Creek AB Town of
Brocket is located on-reserve
Puskiakiwenin 122 Frog Lake First Nation Cree AB
Saddle Lake 125 Saddle Lake First Nation AB
Samson 137 Sampson First Nation Cree Hobbema AB
Samson 137a Sampson First Nation Cree AB
Sandy Point 221 Mikisew Cree First Nation Cree AB
Sawridge 150g Sawridge Band AB
Sawridge 150h Sawridge Band AB
Siksika 146 Siksika Nation Blackfoot Gleichen AB
Smoky Lake County 13 AB
Stoney 142-143-144 Bearspaw Band, Chiniki Band, Wesley Band Nakoda AB
Stoney 142b Bearspaw Band, Chiniki Band, Wesley Band Nakoda AB
Stony Plain 135 Enoch Cree Nation Cree Edmonton AB
Stony Plain 135a Enoch Cree Nation Cree Edmonton AB
Sturgeon Lake 154 Sturgeon Lake Lake Cree Nation Cree AB
Sturgeon Lake 154a Sturgeon Lake Lake Cree Nation Cree AB
Sturgeon Lake 154b Sturgeon Lake Lake Cree Nation Cree AB
Sucker Creek 150a Sucker Creek Cree First Nation Cree AB
Sunchild 202 Sunchild First Nation AB
Swampy Lake 236 Loon River Cree AB
Swan River 150e Swan River First Nation AB
Tall Cree 173 Tallcree First Nation Cree AB
Tall Cree 173a Tallcree First Nation Cree AB
Thabacha Náre 196a Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Thebathi 196 Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Tsu K'adhe Túe 196f Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Tsu Túe 196g Smith's Landing First Nation AB
Tsuu Tina Nation 145 Tsuu T'ina Nation Blackfoot adj. Calgary AB
Tthe Jere Ghaili 196b Smith's Landing First Nation adj. Calgary AB
Unipouheos 121 Frog Lake First Nation Cree AB
Upper Hay River 212 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
Utikoomak Lake 155 Whitefish Lake First Nation (Atikameg) Atikameg AB
Utikoomak Lake 155a Whitefish Lake First Nation (Atikameg) Atikameg AB
Utikoomak Lake 155b Whitefish Lake First Nation (Atikameg) Atikameg AB
Wabamun 133a Paul Band AB
Wabamun 133b Paul Band AB
Wabasca 166 Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Wabasca 166a Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Wabasca 166b Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Wabasca 166c Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Wabasca 166d Bigstone Cree Nation Cree Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Wadlin Lake 173c Tallcree First Nation Wabasca-Desmarais AB
White Fish Lake 128 Saddle Lake First Nation Wabasca-Desmarais AB
William Mckenzie 151k Duncan's First Nation Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Winefred Lake 194b Chipewyan Prairie First Nation Chipewyan
Wabasca-Desmarais AB
Woodland Cree 226 Woodland Cree First Nation Cree AB
Woodland Cree 227 Woodland Cree First Nation Cree AB
Woodland Cree 228 Woodland Cree First Nation Cree AB
Zama Lake 210 Dene Tha' First Nation Dene AB
British Columbia - BC
Ahahswinis 1 Hupacasath First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council
Nuu-chah-nulth Port Alberni BC
Ahaminaquus 12 Mowachaht/Muchalaht First Nations Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal
Council Nuu-chah-nulth Gold River BC Full list of Mowachath/Muchalaht
Ahous 16 Ahousaht First Nation Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council Nuu-chah-nulth
Ahousat (Vargas Island, Clayoquot Sound) BC Full list of Ahousaht First
Nation reserves
Aitchelitch 9 Aitchelitz First Nation Sto:lo Nation Sto:lo Chilliwack BC
Full list of Aitchelitz reserves
Alert Bay 1a Namgis First Nation Musgamagw Tsawataineuk Tribal Council 'Namgis
(Kwakwaka'wakw) Alert Bay BC see 'Yalis / Full list of Namgis reserves
Alexandria 3 Alexandria First Nation Tsilhqot'in National Government
Tsilhqot'in Alexandria (S of Quesnel) BC Full list of Alexandria reserves
Alkali Lake 1 Alkali Lake Indian Band (Esketemc First Nation) N/A Secwepemc
Alkali Lake BC Full list of Esketemc reserves
Anacla 12 Huu-ay-aht First Nations Nuu-chah-nulth Tribal Council
Nuu-chah-nulth Pacheena River, Barkley Sound BC HQ at Bamfield / Full list
of Huu-ay-aht reserves
Anahim's Flat 1 Tsilhqot'in BC
Ashcroft 4 Ashcroft Indian Band Nlaka'pamux Nation Tribal Council & Fraser
Canyon Indian Administration Nlaka'pamux Ashcroft BC
Becher Bay. 1 BC
Bella Bella 1 Heiltsuk Waglisla BC
Bella Coola 1 Nuxalk Nation Nuxalk Bella Coola BC
Blueberry River 205 BC
Bonaparte 3 Bonaparte Indian Band Secwepemc Cache Creek BC
Bridge River 1 Bridge River Indian Band Lillooet Tribal Council St'at'imc
Lillooet & Moha BC
Burns Lake 18 Wet'su-wet'en (Dakelh) Burns Lake BC
Burrard Inlet 3 Tsleil-waututh First Nation Coast Salish North Vancouver BC
Campbell River 11 Campbell River BC
Canim Lake 1 Secwepemc Canim Lake BC
Cayoosh Creek 1 Lillooet Tribal Council St'at'imc Lillooet BC
Chawathil 4 BC
Cheakamus 11, Squamish Nation Skwxwu7mesh Squamish/Brackendale BC Chiyakmesh
Cheam 1 Cheam First Nation Sto:lo Rosedale BC
Chehalis 5 Chehalis First Nation Sts'Ailes Chehalis BC
Chemainus 13 Chemainus First Nation Coast Salish Chemainus BC
Chenahkint 12 BC
Cheslatta 1 Cheslatta Indian Band Dakelh Cheslatta Lake BC
Chilco Lake 1a Xeni Gwetin First Nation Tsilhqot'in Nemaia Valley BC
Chopaka 7 Lower Similkameen Indian Band Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan
Chopaka (S of Keremeos) BC
Chopaka 8 Lower Similkameen Indian Band Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan
Chopaka (S of Keremeos) BC
Chuchuwayha 2 BC
Coldwater 1 Nicola Tribal Association Scw'exmx (Nlaka'pamux) Merritt BC
Cole Bay 3 BC
Columbia Lake 3 BC
Comox 1 Comox Comox BC
Compton Island 6 BC
Coquitlam 1 Kwikwetlem First Nation Sto:lo Coquitlam BC
Cowichan Lake 1 Quwutsun Cowichan Lake BC
Cowichan 1 BC
Creston 1 Ktunaxa Creston BC
Dease River 1 BC
Deep Creek 2 Soda Creek/Deep Creek Indian Band Northern Shuswap Tribal
Council Secwepemc BC
Dog Creek 1 Canoe Creek/Dog Creek First Nation Northern Shuswap Tribal
Council Secwepemc Dog Creek/Gang Ranch BC
Doig River 206 BC
Dolphin Island 1 BC
Douglas Lake 3 Scw'exmx (Nlaka'pamux) Douglas Lake/Merritt BC
East Moberly Lake 169 BC
East Saanich 2 Coast Salish North Saanic BC
Elhlateese 2 BC
Enderby 2 BC
Esquimalt 1 Esquimalt Firsst Nation Esquimalt BC
Finlat River BC
Five Mile Point 3 BC
Fort George (Shelly) 2 BC
Fort Nelson 2 BC
Fort Ware 1 Kwadacha First Nation Kaska Tribal Council BC
Fountain 1 Fountain Indian Band Lillooet Tribal Council St'at'imc Fountain/Lillooet
Gitanmaax 1 Gitxsan Hazelton BC
Gitanyow 1 Gitxsan BC
Gitsegukla 1 Gitxsan Gitsegucla BC
Gitwangak 1 Gitxsan Kitwanga BC
Gitwinksihlkhw 7 BC
Gordon River 2 BC
Gwayasdums 1 BC
Hagwilget 1 BC
Halalt 2 Halalt First Nation Coast Salish BC
Halfway River 168 BC
Hanatsa 6 BC
High Bar 1 High Bar First Nation N/A Secwepemc High Bar (60 km N of Lillooet)
Homalco 9 BC
Hope Island 1 BC
Hopetown 10a Kwakwaka'wakw BC
Houpsitas 6 BC
Inklyuhkinatko 2 BC
Iskut 6 Iskut First Nation Tahltan Nation Tahltan BC
Ittatsoo 1 BC
Kahmoose 4 BC
Kamloops 1 Kamloops Indian Band Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Secwepemc
Kamloops BC
Kanaka Bar 1a Kanaka Bar First Nation Nlaka'pamux Kanaka Bar BC
Katit 1 BC
Katzie 1 Katzie First Nation Katzie Pitt Meadows BC
Kincolith 14 Gingolx Nisga'a Lisims (non-TC) Nisga'a Gingolx BC
Kippase 2 BC
Kispiox 1 BC
Kitamaat 2 Haisla Nation Haisla Kitimat BC
Kitasoo 1 Kitasoo First Nation BC
Kitsumkaylum 1 Gitxsan BC
Kluskus 1 Dakelh BC
Kootenay 1 Ktunaxa BC
Kopchitchin 2 BC
Kulkaya (Hartley Bay) 4 Gitga'at First Nation n/a Gitga'ata (Tsimshian)
Hartley Bay, Wright Sound, North Coast BC
Kulkaya (Hartley Bay) 4a n/a Gitga'ata (Tsimshian) Hartley Bay, Wright
Sound, North Coast BC
Kulspai 6 BC
Kumcheen 1 Lytton First Nation N/A Nlaka'pamux Lytton BC see Camchin
Kuper Island 7 Penelakut BC
Kwawkwawapilt 6 BC
Lachkaltsap 9 BC
Lakahahmnen 11 BC
Lax Kw'alaams 1 Tsimshian BC
Liard River 3 BC
Lillooet 1 T'it'kt First Nation (Lillooet Indian Band) Lillooet Tribal
Council St'at'imc Lillooet BC aka "the T-Bird" for "Thunderbird Reserve"
Macoah 1 BC
Malachan 11 BC
Malahat 11 Malahat First Nation Nautsa mawt Tribal Council Coast Salish
Malahat BC
Marktosis 15 Nuu-chah-nulth BC
Masset 1 Masset Indian Band Haida Nation Haida Masset BC "Old Masset"
Matsqui Main 2 BC
McLeod Lake 1 McLeod Lake BC
McMillan Island 6 Kwantlen Nation Sto:lo Fort Langley BC
Mission 1 Squamish Nation N/A Skwxwu7mesh North Vancouver BC see Esla7an
Moricetown 1 Moricetown Indian Band Wet'su-wet'en Moricetown, British
Columbia BC
Mount Currie 6 Mount Currie Indian Band Lillooet Tribal Council Lil'wat (St'at'imc)
Mount Currie-Pemberton BC
Musqueam 2 BC
Nak'azdli BC
Nanaimo Town 1 BC
Nanoose Indian Reserve 0 BC
Nautley (Fort Fraser) 1 BC
Nazco 20 BC
Nequatque 2 BC
Neskonlith 1 BC
New Aiyansh 1 BC
New Songhees 1a BC
New Westminster BC
Nicola Hamlet 1 BC
Nicomen 1 BC
Nooaitch 10 BC
North Tacla Lake 7 BC
North Thompson 1 BC
Nuuautin 2 BC
Oclucje 7 BC
Ohamil 1 Sto:lo Chilliwack BC
Okanagan 1 Okanagan Indian Band Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan Vernon BC
Opitsat 1 Nuu-chah-nulth Opitsaht (Tofino) BC
Oregon Jack Creek 3 Oregon Jack Creek Indian Band Nlaka'pamux Nation Tribal
Council Nlaka'pamux Ashcroft BC
Osoyoos 1 Osoyoos Indian Band Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan Osoyoos &
Oliver BC widely leased for vinyards (40% of all grapes in the Okanagan)
Palling 1 Wet'suwet'en First Nation BC formerly known as Broman Lake Band
Pavilion 1 Pavilion Indian Band St'at'imc & Secwepemc Pavilion, British
Columbia BC
Penticton 1 Penticton Indian Band Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan
Penticton BC
Peters 1 BC
Popkum 1 Sto:lo Popkum BC
Prophet River 4 BC
Puckatholetchin 11 BC
Quaaout 1 BC
Quaee 7 BC
Qualicum Qualicum First Nation Qualicum BC
Quatsino Subdivision 18 Kwakwaka'wakw BC
Quesnel 1 BC
Quinsam 12 Campbell River Indian Band Kwakiutl District Council
Kwakwaka'wakw Campbell River BC
Redstone Flat 1 BC
Refuge Cove 6 BC
Ruby Creek 2 Sto:lo Agassiz BC
S1/2 Tsimpsean 2 BC
Saaiyouck 6 BC
Sachteen 2 BC
Sahhaltkum 4 BC
Seabird Island Seabird Island First Nation Sto:lo Agassiz BC
Sechelt Band Lands (Sechelt) 2 BC
Semiahmoo Semiahmoo First Nation unaffiliated Semiahmoo people nr. White
Rock BC
Shackan 11 Shackan First Nation Nicola Tribal Association Sxe'xn'x (Nlaka'pamux)
Lower Nicola (Merritt) BC
Shingle Point 4 BC
Shuswap BC
Sik-e-dakh 2 BC
Sim Creek 5 BC
Siska Flat 3 Siska Indian Band Nlaka'pamux Siska BC
Skeetchestn BC
Skidegate 1 Skidegate First Nation Haida Nation Haida Skidegate BC
Skins Lake 16a BC
Skookumchuck 4 Skatin First Nation In-SHUCK-ch Nation/Lower Stl'atl'imx
Tribal Council Stl'atl'imx Skookumchuck Hot Springs BC
Skowkale 10 Skowkale First Nation Sto:lo Chilliwack BC
Skwah 4 BC
Skway 5 Sto:lo Chilliwack BC
Sliammon 1 Sliammon First Nation Comox Powell River BC
Slosh 1 Seton Lake Indian Band Lillooet Tribal Council St'at'imc Shalalath
Soowahlie 14 Sto:lo BC
South Saanich 1 BC
Spuzzum 1 Spuzzum First Nation Nlaka'pamux Spuzzum BC
Squawkum Creek 3 BC
Squiaala 7 BC
Squinas 2 BC
Stellaquo (Stella) 1 BC
Stone 1 Tsilhqot'in BC
Stony Creek 1 BC
T'sou-ke Indian Reserve 1 Coast Salish BC
Tache 1 Dakelh BC
Telegraph Creek 6 Tahltan First Nation Tahltan Nation Tahltan Telegraph
Creek BC
Tipella 7 Douglas Indian Band In-SHUCK-ch Nation/Lower Stl'atl'imx Tribal
Council/Sto:lo Nation Stl'atl'imx Port Douglas BC
Tobacco Plains 2 Ktunaxa Kinbasket Tribal Council Ktunaxa Cranbrook BC
Toosey 1 Toosey First Nation Tsilhqot'in BC
Tork 7 BC
Tsahaheh 1 BC
Tsawwassen Tsawwassen First Nation Coast Salish Tsawwassen (Delta) BC
Tsinstikeptum 9 Westbank First Nation Okanagan Nation Alliance Okanagan
Westside, BC
Tsulquate 4 BC
Tzeachten 13 Sto:lo BC
Uncha Lake 13a BC
Union Bay 4 Coast Salish Union Bay BC
Upper Sumas 6 Sumas First Nation Sto:lo Abbotsford (Kilgard) BC
West Moberly Lake 168a BC
Whispering Pines 4 Shuswap Nation Tribal Council Secwepemc BC
Williams Lake 1 Northern Shuswap Tribal Council Secwepemc Williams Lake BC
Woyenne 27 Dakelh BC
Yakweakwiosse 12 BC
Yale Town 1 Sto:lo Yale BC
Ye Koo Che 3 Yekooche First Nation Dakelh BC
Manitoba - MB
Brochet 197 (Barren Lands First Nation), Brochet, Manitoba
Berens River 13, on the Berens River
Birdtail 57, Birdtail Sioux
Bloodvein 12 Bloodtail
Brokenhead 4 Brokenhead Ojibway Nation
Buffalo Point 36 Buffalo Point First Nation
Oxford House 24, Bunibonibee Cree Nation
Canupawakpa Dakota First Nation
Chemawawin 2 Chemawawin Cree Nation
Cross Lake 19 Cross Lake First Nation
Dakota Plains 6A Dakota Plains
Dakota Tipi 1 Dakota Tipi
Dauphin River 48A
Ebb and Flow 52
Fisher River 44
Fort Alexander 3
Fox Lake Gillam Indian Settlement
Gamblers 63 Gamblers
Garden Hill First Nations Garden Hill First Nation
God's Lake Narrows 23 God's Lake Narrows First Nation (Federal devlet yeri,
Reservasyon değil)
Grand Rapids 33 Grand Rapids First Nation (Federal devlet yeri, Reservasyon
Hollow Water 10
Bottle Lake 61B Keeseekoowenin
Jackhead 43, Kinonjeoshtegon First Nation
Dog Creek 46 Lake Manitoba First Nation
The Narrows 49, Lake St. Martin First Nation
Black River 9 Little Black River First Nation
Grand Rapids 14, Little Grand Rapids First Nation
Little Saskatchewan 48 Little Saskatchewan First Nation
Long Plain 6 Long Plain First Nation
Sandy Bay 5 Sandy Bay First Nation
Shoal River 65A Sapotaweyak Cree Nation
Churchill 1 Sayisi Dene First Nation
Shamattawa 1, Shamattawa First Nation
Sioux Valley, Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
Waterhen 45, Skownan First Nation
St. Theresa Point
Swan Lake 7 Swan Lake First Nation, Swan Lake, Manitoba
Split Lake 171 Tataskweyak Cree Nation
Valley River 63A Tootinaowaziibeeng Treaty Reserve
Mooseocoot War Lake First Nation
Wasagamack First Nation
Waywayseecappo Waywayseecappo First Nation
Swan Lake 65C Wuskwi Sipihk First Nation
York Landing York Factory First Nation
Gods River 86A, Manto Sipi Cree Nation
Black Sturgeon Marcel Colomb First Nation
Pukatawagan 198 Mathias Colomb First Nation
Moose Lake 31A Mosakahiken Cree Nation
Nelson House 170 Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation
Lac Brochet 197A Northlands
Norway House 17, Norway House Cree Nation Norway House, Manitoba
Crane River 51 O-Chi-Chak-Ko-Sipi First Nation
Opaskwayak 27A Opaskwayak Cree Nation
Pauingassi, Pauingassi First Nation
Peguis 1B Peguis First Nation
Fairford 50 Pinaymootang First Nation
Pine Creek 66A
Poplar River 16 Poplar River First Nation
Red Sucker Lake 1976 Red Sucker Lake First Nation
Rolling River 67 Rolling River First Nation
Roseau River 2, Roseau River Anishinabe Devlet
New Brunswick - NB
Big Hole Tract 8 Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation Mi'kmaq Miramichi NB
Bouctouche 16 NB
Burnt Church 14 Burnt Church First Nation Mi'kmaq Miramichi NB
Devon 30 NB
Eel Ground 2 NB
Eel River 3 NB Fort Folly 1 Mi'kmaq Dorchester NB
Indian Island 28 NB
Indian Point 1 Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation Mi'kmaq Miramichi NB
Kingsclear 6 NB
Oromocto 26 NB
Pabineau 11 NB Pokemouche 13 Burnt Church First Nation Mi'kmaq Maltampec NB
Red Bank 4 Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation Mi'kmaq Miramichi NB
Red Bank 7 Metepenagiag Mi'kmaq Nation Mi'kmaq Miramichi NB
Richibucto 15 NB
St. Basile 10 NB
Tabusintac 9 Burnt Church First Nation Mi'kmaq Tabusintac NB
Tobique 20 NB
Woodstock 23 NB
Newfounland ve Labrador - NL
Natuashish 2 Mushuau Innu First Nation Innu Natuashish NL
Samiajij Miawpukek Miawpukek First Nation Mi'kmaq Conne River NL
Sheshatshiu 3 Sheshatshiu Innu First Nation Innu Sheshatshiu NL
Nova Scotia - NS
Bear River 6 Bear River First Nation Mi'kmaq Bear River NS
Bear River 6a Bear River First Nation Mi'kmaq Bear River NS
Bear River 6b Bear River First Nation Mi'kmaq Bear River NS
Beaver Lake 17 Beaver Lake First Nation Mi'kmaq Beaver Lake NS
Boat Harbour West 37 Pictou Landing First Nation Mi'kmaq New Glasgow NS
Cambridge 32 Annapolis Valley First Nation Mi'kmaq Kentville NS
Caribou Marsh 29 Membertou First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Chapel Island 5 Chapel Island First Nation Mi'kmaq St. Peter's NS
Cole Harbour 30 Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Cole Harbour NS
Eskasoni 3 Eskasoni First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Eskasoni 3a Eskasoni First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Fisher's Grant 24 Pictou Landing First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Fisher's Grant 24g Pictou Landing First Nation Mi'kmaq New Glasgow NS
Franklin Manor 22 (part) Pictou Landing First Nation , Paq'tnkek First
Nation Mi'kmaq Parrsboro NS
Glooscap 35 Glooscap First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Gold River 21 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Horton 35 Glooscap First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Indian Brook 14 Shubenacadie First Nation Mi'kmaq East Hants NS
Malagawatch 4 Chapel Island First Nation, Eskasoni First Nation, Membertou
First Nation, Wagmatcook First Nation, Waycobah First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Margaree 25 Wagmatcook First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Medway River 11 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq Yarmouth NS
Membertou 28b Membertou First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Merigomish Harbour 31 Pictou Landing First Nation Mi'kmaq New Glasgow NS
Millbrook 27 Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Truro NS
New Ross 20 Shubenacadie First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Pennal 19 Shubenacadie First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Pomquet and Afton 23 Paq'tnkek First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Ponhook Lake 10 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Sheet Harbour 36 Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Sheet Harbour NS
Shubenacadie 13 Shubenacadie First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
St. Croix 34 Annapolis Valley First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Summerside 38 Paq'tnkek First Nation Mi'kmaq Afton (Antigonish) NS
Sydney 28a Membertou First Nation Mi'kmaq Sydney NS
Tatamagouche 26 Mi'kmaq Tatamagouche NS
Wagmatcook 27a Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Truro NS
Truro 27b Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Truro NS
Truro 27c Millbrook First Nation Mi'kmaq Truro NS
Wagmatcook 1 Wagmatcook First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Whycocomagh 2 Waycobah First Nation Mi'kmaq NS
Wildcat 12 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq Yarmouth NS
Yarmouth 33 Acadia First Nation Mi'kmaq Yarmouth NS
Northwest Territories - NWT
Aklavik Settlement Ehdiitat Gwichin Council Gwichin Tribal Council
Ehdiitat Gwichin Aklavik NT
Arctic Red River Settlement Gwichya Gwichin Band Council Gwichin Tribal
Council Gwichya Gwichin Tsiigehtchic NT
Colville Lake Settlement Behdzi Ahda First Nation Sahtu Dene Council Sahtu
Dene Colville Lake NT
Dettah Settlement Yellowknives Dene First Nation (Dettah) Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Dettah NT
Fort Franklin Settlement Deline First Nation Sahtu Dene Council Sahtu Dene
Deline NT
Fort Good Hope Settlement Ksasho Gotine Community Council Sahtu Dene
Council Sahtu Dene Fort Good Hope NT Fort Liard Settlement Acho Dene Koe
Band Dehcho First Nations Dene Fort Liard NT
Fort Mcpherson Settlement Teetl'it Gwichin Council Gwichin Tribal Council
Tetlit Gwichin Fort McPherson
Fort Norman Settlement Begade Shotagotine, Begaee Shuhagotine Sahtu Dene
Council, Dehcho First Nations Sahtu Dene (Tulita Dene) Tulita NT
Fort Providence Settlement Deh Gah Gotie Dene Council Dehcho First Nations
Dene Fort Providence NT
Fort Resolution Settlement Deninu Kue First Nation Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Fort Resolution NT
Fort Simpson Settlement Liidli Kue First Nation Dehcho First Nations Dene
Fort Simpson NT
Fort Smith Settlement Salt River First Nation #195 Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Fort Smith NT Nufusun çoğu yerli değil, Kizilderili
Hay River Dene 1 Katl'odeeche First Nation Dehcho First Nations Dene Hay
River NT
Hay River Settlement Katl'odeeche First Nation Dehcho First Nations Dene Hay
River NT Nufusun çoğu yerli değil, Kizilderili değil. Bazi inuit var.
Inuvik Settlement Inuvik Band Council ve Nihtat Gwichin Council Gwichin
Tribal Council Nihtat Gwichin Inuvik NT Nufusun çoğu yerli değil,
Kizilderili değil. Bazi Uummarmiut (Inuvialuit) var.
Jean Marie River Settlement Jean Marie River First Nation Dehcho First
Nations Dene Jean Marie River NT
Kakisa Lake Settlement Kaagee Tu First Nation Dehcho First Nations Dene
Kakisa NT
Lac La Martre Settlement Wha Ti First Nation Tlicho Government Tli Cho Whatì
Nahanni Butte Settlement Nahanni Butte Dene Band Dehcho First Nations Dene
Nahanni Butte NT
Ndilo Settlement Yellowknives Dene First Nation (N'Dilo) Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives N'Dilo NT
Gameti First Nation Tlicho Government Tli Cho Gamèti NT
Rae-Edzo Settlement Dog Rib Rae Tlicho Government Tli Cho Behchoko NT
Salt Plains 195 Salt River First Nation #195 Akaitcho Territory Government
Yellowknives Fort Smith NT
Salt River 195 Salt River First Nation #195 Akaitcho Territory Government
Yellowknives Fort Smith NT
Snare Lake Settlement Dechi Laot'i First Nations Tlicho Government Tli Cho
Wekweeti NT
Snowdrift Settlement Lutsel K'e Dene First Nation Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Lutselk'e NT
Trout Lake Settlement Sambaa Ke Dene Band Dehcho First Nations Dene Trout
Lake NT
Wrigley Settlement Pehdzeh Ki First Nation Dehcho First Nations Dene Wrigley
Yellowknife Settlement Yellowknives Dene First Nation Akaitcho Territory
Government Yellowknives Yellowknife NT Nufusun çoğu yerli değil, Kizilderili
değil. Bazi inuit var.
Nunavut - NT
Nunavutta inuit yaşıyorlar ve kendi inuit devlettir.
Ontario - ON
Abitibi 70
Agency 1
Agency 30
Akwesasne 59
Alderville First Nation
Attawapiskat 91a
Bear Island 1
Bearskin Lake
Big Grassy River 35g
Big Island Mainland 93
Cat Lake 63c
Chapleau 74a
Chapleau 75
Chippewas of the Thames First Nation 42
Chippewas of Georgina Island First Nation
Chippewas of Grand River First Nation
Christian Island 30
Constance Lake 92
Couchiching 16a
Curve Lake First Nation 35
Deer Lake
Dokis 9
Duck Lake 76b
Eagle Lake 27
English River 21
Factory Island 1
Flying Post 73
Fort Albany 67
Fort Hope 64
Fort Severn 89
Fort William 52
French River 13
Garden River 14
Ginoogaming First Nation
Goulais Bay 15a
Gros Cap 49
Gull River 55
Henvey Inlet 2
Hiawatha First Nation 36
Islington 29
Kasabonika Lake
Kenora 38b
Kettle Point 44
Kingfisher Lake 1
Kitchenuhmaykoosib Aaki 84
Lac des Mille Lacs 22A1
Lac Seul 28
Lake Helen 53a
Lake Of The Woods 31b
Lake Of The Woods 31c
Lake Of The Woods 31g
Lake Of The Woods 31h
Lake Of The Woods 34
Lake Of The Woods 35j
Lake Of The Woods 37
Lake Of The Woods 37b
Lansdowne House
Long Lake 58
Long Sault 12
M'chigeeng 22
Magnetewan 1
Manitou Rapids 11
Marten Falls 65
Matachewan 72
Mattagami 71
McDiarmid Indian Settlement
Missanabie 62
Mississagi River 8
Mississaugas of Scugog Island
Mnjikaning First Nation 32
Moose Point 79
Moravian 47
Mountbatten 76A
Munsee-Delaware Nation 1
Muskrat Dam Lake
Naiscoutaing 17A
Nan Agreement
Naongashing 31a
Naongashing 35a
Neguaguon Lake 25d
New Credit 40a
New Post 69a
Nigigoonsiminikaaning First Nation
Nipissing 10
North Spirit Lake
Northwest Angle 33b
Northwest Angle 34c
Northwest Angle 37b
Obabikong 35b
Obadjiwan 15e
Ochiichagwe'Babigo'Ining Ojibway Nation
Ojibway Nation of Saugeen
Oneida 41
Osnaburgh 63a
Parry Island First Nation 16
Pays Plat 51
(( Peawanuck Ontario))
Pic Mobert Reserve North
Pic River 50
Pikangikum 14
Point Grondine 3
Poplar Hill
Rainy Lake 17a
Rainy Lake 17b
Rainy Lake 18c
Rainy Lake 26a
Rankin Location 15d
Rat Portage 38a
Reserve Status Nan Agreement
Rocky Bay Indian Reserve 1
Sabaskong Bay 32c
Sabaskong Bay 35c
Sabaskong Bay 35d
Sabaskong Bay 35f
Sabaskong Bay 35h
Sachigo Lake 1
Sagamok Indian Reserve
Sandy Lake 88
Sarnia 45
Saug-a-gaw-sing 1
Saugeen First Nation
Seine River 22a2
Seine River 23a
Serpent River 7
Shawanaga 17
Sheguiandah 24
Sheshegwaning 20
Shoal Lake 31j
Shoal Lake 34b1
Shoal Lake 37a
Shoal Lake 39
Shoal Lake 39a
Shoal Lake 40
Sioux Narrows - Nestor Falls
Six Nations 40
Slate Falls Indian Settlement
Sucker Creek 23
Summer Beaver
The Dalles 38c
Thessalon 12
Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory
Wabauskang 21
Wabigoon Lake 27
Wahnapitae 11
Wahta Mohawk Territory
Walpole Island 46
Wapekeka Reserve 1
Wasauksing First Nation
Weagamow Lake Indian Reserve 87
Webequie Indian Reserve
Whitefish Bay 32a
Whitefish Bay 34a
Whitefish Lake 6
Whitefish River 4
Whitesand Indian Reserve
Wikwemikong Unceded 26
Winisk Indian Settlement
Wunnumin Lake
Yellow Girl Bay 32b
Zhiibaahaasing 19a
Prince Edward Island - PE ada
Lennox Island 1 Lennox Island First Nation Mi'kmaq Lennox Island PE
Lennox Island 5 Lennox Island First Nation Mi'kmaq Lennox Island PE
Morell 2 Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq S of Morell PE
Rocky Point 3 Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq SE of Cornwall PE
Scotchfort 4 Abegweit First Nation Mi'kmaq Scotchfort PE
Quebec - QC
Cacouna 22
Communaute Atikawekw de Manawan
Communaute de Wemotaci
Communaute Montagnaise Essipit
Eagle Village First Nation - Kipawa
Grand Lac Victoria Indian Settlement
Kahnawake 14
Kitigan Zibi
Kuujjuarapik / Whapmagoostui
La Nation Micmac de Gespeg
Lac Champion Settlement
Maliotenam 27a
Natashquan 1
Obedjiwan 28
Odanak 12
Rapid Lake
Romaine 2
St. Augustin Indian Settlement
Timiskaming 19
Village des Hurons Wendake 7
Winneway Indian Settlement
Wolf Lake
Wôlinak 11
Saskatchewan - SK
Ahtahkakoop 104 Ahtahkakoop Band Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Cree Shell
Lake SK
Assiniboine 76 SK
Beardy's 97 SK
Big Head 124 SK
Big River 118 SK
Buffalo River Dene Nation 193 SK
Canoe Lake 165 SK
Carrot River 29a SK
Chicken 224 SK
Chitek Lake 191 SK
Cote 64 SK
Cowessess 73 SK
Cumberland 20 SK
Day Star 87 SK
Fishing Lake 89 SK
Flying Dust First Nation Reserve 105 Flying Dust First Nation Meadow Lake
Tribal Council Cree Meadow Lake SK
Fond du Lac 227 SK
Gordon 86 Gordon First Nation Treaty 4 Punnichy, Saskatchewan SK
Grizzly Bear's Head 110 SK
James Smith 100 SK
Kahkewistahaw 72 SK
Keeseekoose 66 SK
Keeseekoose 66A SK
Keeseekoose 66-CA-04 SK
Keeseekoose 66-CA-05 SK
Keeseekoose 66-CA-06 SK
Keeseekoose 66-KE-04 SK
Keeseekoose 66-KE-05 SK
Kinistin 91 SK
Lac la Hache 220 SK
Lean Man 111 SK
Little Black Bear 84 SK
Little Bone 74B SK
Little Pine Indian Reserve 116 SK
Little Red River 106D SK
Makaoo 120 SK
Makwa Lake 129 SK
Makwa Lake 129A SK
Makwa Lake 129B SK
Makwa Lake 129C SK
Meadow Lake 105 SK
Meadow Lake 105A SK
Min-A-He-Quo-Sis 116C SK
Ministikwan 161 SK
Ministikwan 161A SK
Mistawasis 103 SK
Montreal Lake 106 SK
Moosomin 112B SK
Mosquito 109 SK
Mosquito-Grizzly Bear's Head-Lean Man SK
Muscowpetung 80 SK
Muskeg Lake 102B SK
Muskeg Lake 102D SK
Muskeg Lake 102E SK
Muskeg Lake 102F SK
Muskeg Lake 102G SK
Muskeg Lake Cree Nation 102 SK
Muskoday First Nation SK
Muskowekwan 85 SK
Muskowekwan 85-1 SK
Muskowekwan 85-10 SK
Muskowekwan 85-12 SK
Muskowekwan 85-15 SK
Muskowekwan 85-17 SK
Muskowekwan 85-22 SK
Muskowekwan 85-23 SK
Muskowekwan 85-24 SK
Muskowekwan 85-26 SK
Muskowekwan 85-27 SK
Muskowekwan 85-28 SK
Muskowekwan 85-29 SK
Muskowekwan 85-2A SK
Muskowekwan 85-31 SK
Muskowekwan 85-33 SK
Muskowekwan 85-8 SK
Nekaneet Cree Nation Indian Reserve SK
Ocean Man 69 SK
Ocean Man 69A SK
Ocean Man 69B SK
Ocean Man 69C SK
Ocean Man 69E SK
Ocean Man 69F SK
Ochapowace 71 SK
Ochapowace 71-10
Ochapowace 71-18 SK
Ochapowace 71-26 SK
Ochapowace 71-44 SK
Ochapowace 71-51 SK
Ochapowace 71-54 SK
Ochapowace 71-7 SK
Ochapowace 71-70 SK
Okanese 82 SK
Okemasis 96 SK
One Arrow Indian Reserve 95 SK
Pasqua 79 SK
Patuanak SK
Peepeekisis 81 SK
Pelican Lake 191A SK
Pelican Lake 191B SK
Pelican Narrows 184b SK
Pheasant Rump 68 SK
Piapot 75 SK
Piapot Cree First Nation 75H SK
Poor Man 88 SK
Poundmaker 114 SK
Red Earth 29 SK
Red Pheasant 108 SK
Sakimay 74 SK
Saulteaux 159 SK
Saulteaux 159A SK
Seekaskootch 119 SK
Shesheep 74A SK
Shoal Lake 28a SK
Standing Buffalo 78 SK
Stanley 157 SK
Star Blanket 83 SK
Star Blanket 83C SK
Sturgeon Lake 101 SK
Sweet Grass 113 SK
Sweet Grass 113-L6 SK
Sweet Grass 113-M16 SK
The Key 65 SK
Thunderchild First Nation 115B SK
Thunderchild First Nation 115C SK
Thunderchild First Nation 115D SK
Treaty Four Reserve Grounds 77 SK
Turnor Lake 193b SK
Wahpaton 94a SK
Wapachewunak 192d SK
Waterhen 130 SK
White Bear 70 SK
White Cap 94 SK
Witchekan Lake 117 SK
Witchekan Lake 117-D SK
Wood Mountain 160 SK
Yellowquill 90 SK
Yukon - YT
Carcross 4 Carcross/Tagish First Nation Tlingit, Tagish Carcross, Tagish YT
Champagne Landing 10 Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Champagne First
Nation Southern Tutchone Aishihik, Champagne, Haines Junction YT
Haines Junction Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Aishihik First Nation
Southern Tutchone Aishihik, Champagne, Haines Junction YT
Kloo Lake Settlement Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Aishihik First
Nation Southern Tutchone Aishihik, Champagne, Haines Junction YT
Klukshu River Settlement Champagne and Aishihik First Nations, Champagne
First Nation Southern Tutchone Aishihik, Champagne, Haines Junction YT
Lake Laberge 1 Ta'an Kwach'an Council Southern Tutchone Lake Laberge,
Whitehorse YT
Mayo 6 First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Northern Tutchone Mayo YT
Mcquesten 3 First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun Northern Tutchone Mayo YT
Moosehide Creek 2 Trondëk Hwëchin First Nation Han Dawson City YT
Moosehide Creek 2B Trondëk Hwëchin First Nation Han Dawson City YT
Nisutlin 14 Teslin Tlingit Council Tlingit Teslin YT
Nisutlin Bay 15 Teslin Tlingit Council Tlingit Teslin YT
Selkirk 7 Selkirk First Nation Northern Tutchone Fort Selkirk, Pelly
Crossing YT
Teslin Post 13 Teslin Tlingit Council Tlingit Teslin YT
Whitehorse 8 Kwanlin Dün First Nation Tagish Whitehorse YT
Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians of the Agua Caliente Indian
Reservation, California
Ak Chin Indian Community of the Maricopa (Ak Chin) Indian Reservation,
Alabama-Coushatta Tribes of Texas
Alabama-Quassarte Tribal Town, Oklahoma
Alturas Indian Rancheria, California
Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
Arapahoe Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Aroostook Band of Micmac Indians of Maine
Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Indian Reservation, Montana
Augustine Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Augustine Reservation,
Bad River Band of the Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians of the
Bad River Reservation, Wisconsin
Bay Mills Indian Community, Michigan (previously listed as the Bay Mills
Indian Community of the Sault Ste. Marie Band of Chippewa Indians, Bay Mills
Reservation, Michigan)
Bear River Band of the Rohnerville Rancheria, California
Berry Creek Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
Big Lagoon Rancheria, California
Big Pine Band of Owens Valley Paiute Shoshone Indians of the Big Pine
Reservation, California
Big Sandy Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
Big Valley Band of Pomo Indians of the Big Valley Rancheria, California
Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Indian Reservation of Montana
Blue Lake Rancheria, California
Bridgeport Paiute Indian Colony of California
Buena Vista Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California
Burns Paiute Tribe of the Burns Paiute Indian Colony of Oregon
Cabazon Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Cabazon Reservation,
Cachil DeHe Band of Wintun Indians of the Colusa Indian Community of the
Colusa Rancheria, California
Caddo Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Cahuilla Band of Mission Indians of the Cahuilla Reservation, California
Cahto Indian Tribe of the Laytonville Rancheria, California
California Valley Miwok Tribe, California (formerly the Sheep Ranch
Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California)
Campo Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Campo Indian Reservation,
Capitan Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California:
Barona Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the Barona
Reservation, California
Viejas (Baron Long) Group of Capitan Grande Band of Mission Indians of the
Viejas Reservation, California
Catawba Indian Nation (aka Catawba Tribe of South Carolina)
Cayuga Nation of New York
Cedarville Rancheria, California
Chemehuevi Indian Tribe of the Chemehuevi Reservation, California
Cher-Ae Heights Indian Community of the Trinidad Rancheria, California
Cherokee Nation, Oklahoma
Cheyenne-Arapaho Tribes of Oklahoma
Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe of the Cheyenne River Reservation, South Dakota
Chickasaw Nation, Oklahoma
Chicken Ranch Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California
Chippewa-Cree Indians of the Rocky Boy's Reservation, Montana
Chitimacha Tribe of Louisiana
Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma
Citizen Potawatomi Nation, Oklahoma
Cloverdale Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Cocopah Tribe of Arizona
Coeur D'Alene Tribe of the Coeur D'Alene Reservation, Idaho
Cold Springs Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
Colorado River Indian Tribes of the Colorado River Indian Reservation,
Arizona and California
Comanche Nation, Oklahoma (formerly the Comanche Indian Tribe)
Confederated Salish & Kootenai Tribes of the Flathead Reservation, Montana
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation, Washington
Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, Washington
Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw Indians of Oregon
Confederated Tribes of the Goshute Reservation, Nevada and Utah
Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon
Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Reservation, Oregon
Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Reservation, Oregon
Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation of Oregon
Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Indian Nation of the Yakama
Reservation, Washington
Coquille Tribe of Oregon
Cortina Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians of California
Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana
Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Indians of Oregon
Cowlitz Indian Tribe, Washington
Coyote Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California
Crow Tribe of Montana
Crow Creek Sioux Tribe of the Crow Creek Reservation, South Dakota
Cuyapaipe Community of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Cuyapaipe
Reservation, California
Death Valley Timbi-Sha Shoshone Band of California
Delaware Nation, Oklahoma (formerly Delaware Tribe of Western Oklahoma)
Delaware Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma
Dry Creek Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Duckwater Shoshone Tribe of the Duckwater Reservation, Nevada
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians of North Carolina
Eastern Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma
Elem Indian Colony of Pomo Indians of the Sulphur Bank Rancheria, California
Elk Valley Rancheria, California
Ely Shoshone Tribe of Nevada
Enterprise Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
Flandreau Santee Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
Forest County Potawatomi Community, Wisconsin (previously listed as the
Forest County Potawatomi Community of Wisconsin Potawatomi Indians,
Fort Belknap Indian Community of the Fort Belknap Reservation of Montana
Fort Bidwell Indian Community of the Fort Bidwell Reservation of California
Fort Independence Indian Community of Paiute Indians of the Fort
Independence Reservation, California
Fort McDermitt Paiute and Shoshone Tribes of the Fort McDermitt Indian
Reservation, Nevada and Oregon
Fort McDowell Yavapai Nation, Arizona (formerly the Fort McDowell
Mohave-Apache Community of the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation)
Fort Mojave Indian Tribe of Arizona, California & Nevada
Fort Sill Apache Tribe of Oklahoma
Gila River Indian Community of the Gila River Indian Reservation, Arizona
Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, Michigan (previously
listed as the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa & Chippewa Indians of Michigan)
Graton Rancheria, California
Greenville Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians of California
Guidiville Rancheria of California
Hannahville Indian Community, Michigan (previously listed as the Hannahville
Indian Community of Wisconsin Potawatomie Indians of Michigan)
Havasupai Tribe of the Havasupai Reservation, Arizona
Ho-Chunk Nation of Wisconsin (formerly known as the Wisconsin Winnebago
Hoh Indian Tribe of the Hoh Indian Reservation, Washington
Hoopa Valley Tribe, California
Hopi Tribe of Arizona
Hopland Band of Pomo Indians of the Hopland Rancheria, California
Houlton Band of Maliseet Indians of Maine
Hualapai Indian Tribe of the Hualapai Indian Reservation, Arizona
Huron Potawatomi, Inc., Michigan
Inaja Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Inaja and Cosmit Reservation,
Ione Band of Miwok Indians of California
Iowa Tribe of Kansas and Nebraska
Iowa Tribe of Oklahoma
Jackson Rancheria of Me-Wuk Indians of California
Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe of Washington
Jamul Indian Village of California
Jena Band of Choctaw Indians, Louisiana
Jicarilla Apache Nation, New Mexico (formerly the Jicarilla Apache Tribe of
the Jicarilla Apache Indian Reservation)
Kaibab Band of Paiute Indians of the Kaibab Indian Reservation, Arizona
Kalispel Indian Community of the Kalispel Reservation, Washington
Karuk Tribe of California
Kashia Band of Pomo Indians of the Stewarts Point Rancheria, California
Kaw Nation, Oklahoma
Keweenaw Bay Indian Community, Michigan (previously listed as the Keweenaw
Bay Indian Community of L'Anse and Ontonagon Bands of Chippewa Indians of
the L'Anse Reservation, Michigan)
Kialegee Tribal Town, Oklahoma
Kickapoo Tribe of Indians of the Kickapoo Reservation in Kansas
Kickapoo Tribe of Oklahoma
Kickapoo Traditional Tribe of Texas
Kiowa Indian Tribe of Oklahoma
Klamath Indian Tribe of Oregon
Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
La Jolla Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the La Jolla Reservation,
La Posta Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the La Posta Indian
Reservation, California
Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
(previously listed as the Lac Courte Oreilles Band of Lake Superior Chippewa
Indians of the Lac Courte Oreilles Reservation of Wisconsin)
Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of the Lac du
Flambeau Reservation of Wisconsin
Lac Vieux Desert Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Las Vegas Tribe of Paiute Indians of the Las Vegas Indian Colony, Nevada
Little River Band of Ottawa Indians of Michigan
Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, Michigan (previously listed as
the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians of Michigan)
Lower Lake Rancheria, California
Los Coyotes Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Los Coyotes Reservation,
Lovelock Paiute Tribe of the Lovelock Indian Colony, Nevada
Lower Brule Sioux Tribe of the Lower Brule Reservation, South Dakota
Lower Elwha Tribal Community of the Lower Elwha Reservation, Washington
Lower Sioux Indian Community in the State of Minnesota (previously listed as
the Lower Sioux Indian Community of Minnesota Mdewakanton Sioux Indians of
the Lower Sioux Reservation in Minnesota)
Lummi Tribe of the Lummi Reservation, Washington
Lytton Rancheria of California
Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation, Washington
Manchester Band of Pomo Indians of the Manchester-Point Arena Rancheria,
Manzanita Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Manzanita Reservation,
Mashantucket Pequot Tribe of Connecticut
Match-e-be-nash-she-wish Band of Pottawatomi Indians of Michigan
Mechoopda Indian Tribe of Chico Rancheria, California
Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin
Mesa Grande Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Mesa Grande Reservation,
Mescalero Apache Tribe of the Mescalero Reservation, New Mexico
Miami Tribe of Oklahoma
Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida
Middletown Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Minnesota Chippewa Tribe, Minnesota - Six component reservations:
Bois Forte Band (Nett Lake);
Fond du Lac Band;
Grand Portage Band;
Leech Lake Band;
Mille Lacs Band;
White Earth Band
Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Mississippi
Moapa Band of Paiute Indians of the Moapa River Indian Reservation, Nevada
Modoc Tribe of Oklahoma
Mohegan Indian Tribe of Connecticut
Mooretown Rancheria of Maidu Indians of California
Morongo Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Morongo Reservation,
Muckleshoot Indian Tribe of the Muckleshoot Reservation, Washington
Muscogee (Creek) Nation, Oklahoma
Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island
Navajo Nation, Arizona, New Mexico & Utah
Nez Perce Tribe of Idaho
Nisqually Indian Tribe of the Nisqually Reservation, Washington
Nooksack Indian Tribe of Washington
Northern Cheyenne Tribe of the Northern Cheyenne Indian Reservation, Montana
North Fork Rancheria of Mono Indians of California
Northwestern Band of Shoshoni Nation of Utah (Washakie)
Oglala Sioux Tribe of the Pine Ridge Reservation, South Dakota
Omaha Tribe of Nebraska
Oneida Nation of New York
Oneida Tribe of Indians of Wisconsin (previously listed as the Oneida Tribe
of Wisconsin)
Onondaga Nation of New York
Osage Tribe, Oklahoma
Ottawa Tribe of Oklahoma
Otoe-Missouria Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma
Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah
Cedar City Band of Paiutes
Kanosh Band of Paiutes
Koosharem Band of Paiutes
Indian Peaks Band of Paiutes
Shivwits Band of Paiutes
Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Bishop Community of the Bishop Colony,
Paiute-Shoshone Tribe of the Fallon Reservation and Colony, Nevada
Paiute-Shoshone Indians of the Lone Pine Community of the Lone Pine
Reservation, California
Pala Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pala Reservation, California
Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona
Paskenta Band of Nomlaki Indians of California
Passamaquoddy Tribe of Maine
Pauma Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pauma & Yuima Reservation,
Pawnee Nation of Oklahoma
Pechanga Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Pechanga Reservation,
Penobscot Tribe of Maine
Peoria Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Picayune Rancheria of Chukchansi Indians of California
Pinoleville Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Pit River Tribe, California
Big Bend,
Creek & Roaring Creek Rancherias
XL Ranch
Poarch Band of Creek Indians of Alabama
Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians, Michigan and Indiana (previously listed
as the Pokagon Band of Potawatomi Indians of Michigan)
Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Ponca Tribe of Nebraska
Port Gamble Indian Community of the Port Gamble Reservation, Washington
Potter Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Prairie Band of Potawatomi Nation, Kansas (formerly the Prairie Band of
Potawatomi Indians)
Prairie Island Indian Community in the State of Minnesota (previously listed
as the Prairie Island Indian Community of Minnesota Mdewakanton Sioux
Indians of the Prairie Island Reservation, Minnesota)
Pueblo of Acoma, New Mexico
Pueblo of Cochiti, New Mexico
Pueblo of Jemez, New Mexico
Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico
Pueblo of Laguna, New Mexico
Pueblo of Nambe, New Mexico
Pueblo of Picuris, New Mexico
Pueblo of Pojoaque, New Mexico
Pueblo of San Felipe, New Mexico
Pueblo of San Juan, New Mexico
Pueblo of San Ildefonso, New Mexico
Pueblo of Sandia, New Mexico
Pueblo of Santa Ana, New Mexico
Pueblo of Santa Clara, New Mexico
Pueblo of Santo Domingo, New Mexico
Pueblo of Taos, New Mexico
Pueblo of Tesuque, New Mexico
Pueblo of Zia, New Mexico
Puyallup Tribe of the Puyallup Reservation, Washington
Pyramid Lake Paiute Tribe of the Pyramid Lake Reservation, Nevada
Quapaw Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma
Quartz Valley Indian Community of the Quartz Valley Reservation of
Quechan Tribe of the Fort Yuma Indian Reservation, California & Arizona
Quileute Tribe of the Quileute Reservation, Washington
Quinault Tribe of the Quinault Reservation, Washington
Ramona Band or Village of Cahuilla Mission Indians of California
Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin
Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Minnesota (previously listed as the Red
Lake Band of Chippewa Indians of the Red Lake Reservation, Minnesota)
Redding Rancheria, California
Redwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Reno-Sparks Indian Colony, Nevada
Resighini Rancheria, California (formerly the Coast Indian Community of
Yurok Indians of the Resighini Rancheria)
Rincon Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of the Rincon Reservation, California
Robinson Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Rosebud Sioux Tribe of the Rosebud Indian Reservation, South Dakota
Round Valley Indian Tribes of the Round Valley Reservation, California
(formerly known as the Covelo Indian Community)
Rumsey Indian Rancheria of Wintun Indians of California
Sac & Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa
Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri in Kansas and Nebraska
Sac & Fox Nation, Oklahoma
Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan (previously listed as the Saginaw
Chippewa Indian Tribe of Michigan, Isabella Reservation)
St. Croix Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin (previously listed as the St. Croix
Chippewa Indians of Wisconsin, St. Croix Reservation)
St. Regis Band of Mohawk Indians of New York
Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community of the Salt River Reservation,
Samish Indian Tribe, Washington
San Carlos Apache Tribe of the San Carlos Reservation, Arizona
San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe of Arizona
San Manual Band of Serrano Mission Indians of the San Manual Reservation,
San Pasqual Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California
Santa Rosa Indian Community of the Santa Rosa Rancheria, California
Santa Rosa Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of the Santa Rosa Reservation,
Santa Ynez Band of Chumash Mission Indians of the Santa Ynez Reservation,
Santa Ysabel Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of the Santa Ysabel
Reservation, California
Santee Sioux Tribe of the Santee Reservation of Nebraska
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe of Washington
Sault Ste. Marie Tribe of Chippewa Indians of Michigan
Scotts Valley Band of Pomo Indians of California
Seminole Nation of Oklahoma
Seminole Tribe of Florida
Dania Reservations,
Big Cypress Reservations,
Brighton Reservations,
Hollywood Reservations,
Tampa Reservations
Seneca Nation of New York
Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota (previously listed as the
Shakopee Mdewakanton Sioux Community of Minnesota (Prior Lake))
Shawnee Tribe, Oklahoma
Sherwood Valley Rancheria of Pomo Indians of California
Shingle Springs Band of Miwok Indians, Shingle Springs Rancheria (Verona
Tract), California
Shoalwater Bay Tribe of the Shoalwater Bay Indian Reservation, Washington
Shoshone Tribe of the Wind River Reservation, Wyoming
Shoshone-Bannock Tribes of the Fort Hall Reservation of Idaho
Shoshone-Paiute Tribes of the Duck Valley Reservation, Nevada
Sisseton-Wahpeton Sioux Tribe of the Lake Traverse Reservation, South Dakota
Skokomish Indian Tribe of the Skokomish Reservation, Washington
Skull Valley Band of Goshute Indians of Utah
Smith River Rancheria, California
Snoqualmie Tribe, Washington
Soboba Band of Luiseno Indians, California (formerly the Soboba Band of
Luiseno Mission Indians of the Soboba Reservation)
Sokaogon Chippewa Community, Wisconsin (previously listed as the Sokaogon
Chippewa Community of the Mole Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, Wisconsin)
Southern Ute Indian Tribe of the Southern Ute Reservation, Colorado
Spirit Lake Tribe, North Dakota
Spokane Tribe of the Spokane Reservation, Washington
Squaxin Island Tribe of the Squaxin Island Reservation, Washington
Standing Rock Sioux Tribe of North & South Dakota
Stockbridge Munsee Community, Wisconsin (previously listed as the
Stockbridge-Munsee Community of Mohican Indians of Wisconsin)
Stillaguamish Tribe of Washington
Summit Lake Paiute Tribe of Nevada
Suquamish Indian Tribe of the Port Madison Reservation, Washington
Susanville Indian Rancheria, California
Swinomish Indians of the Swinomish Reservation, Washington
Sycuan Band of Diegueno Mission Indians of California
Table Bluff Reservation--Wiyot Tribe, California
Table Mountain Rancheria of California
Te-Moak Tribes of Western Shoshone Indians of Nevada - Four constituent
Battle Mountain Band;
Elko Band;
South Fork Band;
Wells Band
Thlopthlocco Tribal Town, Oklahoma
Three Affiliated Tribes of the Fort Berthold Reservation, North Dakota
Tohono O'odham Nation of Arizona
Tonawanda Band of Seneca Indians of New York
Tonkawa Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma
Tonto Apache Tribe of Arizona
Torres-Martinez Band of Cahuilla Mission Indians of California
Tule River Indian Tribe of the Tule River Reservation, California
Tulalip Tribes of the Tulalip Reservation, Washington
Tunica-Biloxi Indian Tribe of Louisiana
Tuolumne Band of Me-Wuk Indians of the Tuolumne Rancheria of California
Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians of North Dakota
Tuscarora Nation of New York
Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Mission Indians of California (previously listed
as the Twenty-Nine Palms Band of Luiseno Mission Indians of California
United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria of California
United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians in Oklahoma (previously listed as
the United Keetoowah Band of Cherokee Indians of Oklahoma)
Upper Lake Band of Pomo Indians of Upper Lake Rancheria of California
Upper Sioux Community, Minnesota (previously listed as the Upper Sioux
Indian Community of the Upper Sioux Reservation, Minnesota)
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe of Washington
Ute Indian Tribe of the Uintah & Ouray Reservation, Utah
Ute Mountain Tribe of the Ute Mountain Reservation, Colorado, New Mexico &
Utu Utu Gwaitu Paiute Tribe of the Benton Paiute Reservation, California
Walker River Paiute Tribe of the Walker River Reservation, Nevada
Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head (Aquinnah) of Massachusetts
Washoe Tribe of Nevada & California
Carson Colony,
Dresslerville Colony,
Woodfords Community,
Stewart Community,
Washoe Ranches
White Mountain Apache Tribe of the Fort Apache Reservation, Arizona
Wichita and Affiliated Tribes, Oklahoma
Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska
Winnemucca Indian Colony of Nevada
Wyandotte Tribe of Oklahoma
Yankton Sioux Tribe of South Dakota
Yavapai-Apache Nation of the Camp Verde Indian Reservation, Arizona
Yavapai-Prescott Tribe of the Yavapai Reservation, Arizona
Yerington Paiute Tribe of the Yerington Colony & Campbell Ranch, Nevada
Yomba Shoshone Tribe of the Yomba Reservation, Nevada
Ysleta Del Sur Pueblo of Texas
Yurok Tribe of the Yurok Reservation, California
Zuni Tribe of the Zuni Reservation, New Mexico
Bunların dışında ABD Federal devlet tarafından tanınmamış lakin ayalet
devlet tarafından tanınmış Kızılderili milletleri var. Ayni zamanda ayalet
devlet tarafından tanınmamış lakin Federal devlet tarafından tanınmamış
Kızılderili milletleri var. Bazi Kızılderili milletleri ABD Federal devlet
ve ayalet devlet tarafından tanınmamış tır.
Kızılderili Milletleri ve Dilleri
A'ananin (Aane), Abenaki (Abnaki, Abanak), Absaaluke (Absaroke), Açumavi
(Açomavi), Akkaçemen, Akoma, Agua Kaliente, Adai, Ahtna (Atna), Akaçemen,
Akimel O'odham, Akvala (Akvala), Alabama-Kouşatta, Aleut, Alutiik,
Algonkians, Algonkin, Alliklik, Alnobak (Alnôbak, Alnombak), Alsea (Älsé,
Alseya), Andaste, Anişinaabe (Anişinabemovin, Anişnabay), Aniyunviya,
Antoniaño, Applegate, Apsaaluke (Apsaroke), Arapaho (Arapahoe), Aravak,
Arikara, Assiniboine, Atakapa, Atikamekv, Atsina, Atsugevi (Atsuke),
Araukano (Araukanian), Avoyel (Avoyelles), Ayisiyinivok, Aymara, Aztek
Babine, Banok, Barbareño, Bari, Bear River, Beaver, Bela Bela, Bela Kula,
Beosuks (Betoukuag), Bidai, Biloxi, Blakk Karib, Blakkfut (Blakkfit), Blud
Indians, Bora
Çahta, Çalakue, Çappakuiddikk (Çappakuiddik, Çappikuidik), Çavçila
(Çavçilla), Çehalis, Çelan, Çemehuevi, Çerav, Çeroenhaka (Çeroenkhaka,
Çerokhaka), Çeroki, Çeyenne (Çeyanne), Çikkamaugan, Çikkasav, Çilkotin,
Çilula-Vilkut, Çimariko, Çinuk, Çinuk Kargon, Çipevyan (Çipevyin), Çippeva,
Çitimaça (Çitamaça), Çoçeno, Çoktav, Çolon, Çontal de Tabasko (Çontal Maya),
Çoynimni (Çoinimni), Çukçansi, Çumaş
Dakelh, Dakota, Dakubetede, Davson, Deg Xinag (Deg Hit'an), Delavare,
Dena'ina (Denaina), Dene, Dene Suline (Denesuline), Dene Sa, Diegueno, Dine
(Dineh), D'ne, Dogrib, Dohema (Dohma), Dumna, Dunne-za (Dane-zaa, Dunneza),
Il River Asabaskan, Inou (Iyou), Eskimo, Esselen, Etçemin (Etçimin), Euçi,
Eudeve (Endeve), Exkelen, Eyak
Fernandeno (Fernandeño), Flasead Saliş, Fox
Gabrielino (Gabrieleño), Gae, Gaigvu, Galibi, Galike, Garifuna, Gaşovu,
Gitxsan (Gitksan), Gosiute (Goşute), Gros Ventre, Guarani, Guarikio
(Guarikío), Gulf, Gviç'in (Gviçin, Gvitçin),
Haida, Haisla, Halkomelem (Halkomeylem), Hän (Han Hveç'in), Hanis, Hare,
Hatteras, Haudenosauni, Havasupai, Havaiian, Heiltsuk, Heve, Hiaki, Hiçiti
(Hitçiti), Hidatsa, Hokak (Ho-Çunk, Hoçunk), Holikaçuk, Homalko, Hupa, Hopi,
Hopland Pomo, Hualapai, Huelel, Huiçol, Huiçun, Hupa, Huron
İllini (İllinivek, İllinois), İnka, İneseño (İnezeño), İngalik (Ingalit),
İnnoko, İnnu, İnuktitut (İnupiat, İnupiak, İnupiatun), İova-Oto (İovay),
İroki Konfederasion, İşak, İsleño, İsleta, İtza Maya (İtzah), İviatim, İynu
Kabinapek, Kainai (Kainaiva), Kaddo (Kaddoe), Kahita, Kahto, Kahuilla,
Kalapuya, Kalina (Kaliña), Kalusa, Kanenaviş, Kanien'kehaka (Kanienkehaka),
Kalispel, Kansa (Kanza, Kanze), Karankava, Karib, Karrier, Karkin, Karkuin,
Karok (Karuk), Kaşaya, Kaska, Kaskaskia, Kaslamet, Katavba, Kato, Kav,
Kayuga, Kayuse, Kelilo, Kemez, Kenaitze (Kenai), Keres (Keresan), Kiçai,
Kikkapu (Kikapu), Kiliva (Kilivi), Kiova, Kiova, Kitanemuk, Kitsai, Klahuse,
Klakkamas (Klakkama), Klallam, Klamas-Modok, Klatskanie (Klatskanai),
Klatsop, Klikkitat, Kmikue, Koasati, Koçimi, Koçiti, Koeur d'Alene, Kokopa
(Kokopah), Kofan, Kokuille, Kolçan, Komançe, Komkaak, Komox, Konestoga,
Konkov (Konkau), Konomihu, Kora, Koso, Kostanoan, Kouşatta, Koviçan,
Kovlitz, Kutenai (Ktunaxa, Kutenai), Koso, Koyukon, Kri, Krik, Kroatan
(Kroatoan), Krov, Kruzeño, Kuaneno (Kuaneño), Kuapav (Kuapa), Kueçan,
Kueçua, Kuiçun, Kuilkene, Kuileute, Kuinault, Kuinnipiak (Kuinnipiakk),
Kuiripi Kuitş, Kukupa (Kukapa), Kulanapo (Kulanapan, Kulanapa), Kumeyaay
(Kumiai), Kuna, Kupa, Kupeño, Kupik (Ku'pik, Kuit) Kus (Kusan), Kusan,
Kuskokvim, Kutçin (Kutçin), Kvaiailk, Kvakiutl (Kvakvala), Kvalhiokua,
Kvantlen, Kvapa (Kvapav), Kvinault (Kvinayl)
Laguna, Lakhota (Lakota), Lakmiak (Lakmayut), Lassik, Laurentian
(Lavrenkian), Lekesem, Lenape (Lenni Lenape), Lilluet, Listiguk (Listuguk),
Lnuk (L'nuk, L'nu'k, Lnu), Lokono, Louçeux (Louçeaux), Loup, Lukkiamute
(Lukiamute), Luiseño, Lumbi, Lummi, Luşutsid, Lutuamian
Makuşi (Makusi), Mahikan, Maidu, Maina (Mayna), Makah, Makuşi, Malisit
(Malikit, Malisit, Malisset), Mandan, Mapuçe (Mapudungun, Mapudugan),
Marikopa, Massaçusett (Massaçusetts), Massasoit (Massassoit, Maşpi),
Mattabesik Mattole, Maumi, Matlatzinka, Mayan, Mayo, Mengve, Menomini
(Menomini), Meskalero-Çirikahua, Meskvaki (Meskuakie), Kreole,
Miami-Illinois, Mikkosuki, Miçif, Mikmak (Mi'gmak), Migueleño, Mikasuki,
Mi'kmak (Mikmavisimk), Mingo, Minkua, Minsi, Minto, Miskito (Moskuito),
Missouria, Mivok (Mivuk), Mixe, Mixtek (Mixteko, Mixteka), Mobilian Trade
Kargon, Modok, Mohave, Mohavk, Mohegan, Mohikan, Mokave, Molale (Molalla,
Molala), Monaçe (Mono), Montagnais, Montauk, Musehide, Multnomah, Munsi
(Munsie, Munsey, Munsie), Muskogi (Muskogi, Mvskoke), Muskueam, Mutsun
Nabesna, Nadot'en (Natut'en, Natut'en), Nahane (Nahani, Nahanne), Nahuat,
Nahuatl, Nakoda (Nakota), Nambe, Nantikoke, Nantukket, Narragansett,
Naskapi, Nass-Gitxsan, Natçez, Natikk, Naugutukk, Navat, Nayhiyuvayin, Nde,
Ni-me-pu, Nehiyav (Nehiyavok), Netela, Nev Blakkfut, Neve, Nez Perke,
Niantik, Nikola, Niitsipussin (Niitsitapi), Nimiipuu (Nimi'ipu), Nipmuk,
Nisenan (Nişinam), Nisga'a (Nisgaa, Nişga), Nlaka'pamux (Nlakapamux),
Nomlaki, Nuksakk (Nuksak), Nutka (Nutka), Nutsak, Norseastern Pomo, Norsern
Karrier, Norsern Çeyenne, Nottovay, Nuksalk
Obispeño, Okuilteko, Odava, Ofo, Ogahpah (Ogaxpa), Ohlone, Okibva (Okibvay,
Okibve, Okibvemovin), Oki-Kri, Okanagan (Okanogan), Okvanuçu, Old Blakkfut,
Omaha-Ponka, Oneida, Onondaga, O'ob No'ok (O:b No'ok), O'odham (Udham),
Opata, Osage, Otçipve, Otoe, Ottava
Pai, Paipai, Paiute, Palaihnihan (Palaihnih, Palahinihan), Palevyami,
Palouse, Pamliko, Panamint, Papago-Pima, Paskua Yakui, Passamakuoddy,
Patuxet, Patvin, Paugussett (Paugusset), Pavni, Peigan, Pend D'Oreille,
Penobskot (Pentagoet), Pentlatç (Pentlaç), Peoria, Pekuot, Pikuris, Piegan
(Piikani), Pima, Pima Bako, Pipil, Pit River, Plains Indian Sign Language,
Pokoakue, Pomo (Pomoan), Ponka, Puspatukk (Pusepatuk, Puspatuk, Pusepatukk),
Popoluka (Popoloka), Potavatomi (Pottavatomie, Potavatomie), Povhatan,
Pueblo, Puget Sound Saliş, Purisimeño, Putún
Raramuri, Red Indians, Restigouçe, Rumsen, Runasimi
Saaniç, Sak, Sahaptin, Salhulhtxv, Salinan, Saliş, Samiş, Sandia, Saniş
(Sahniş), San Felipe, San Ildefonso, San Kuan, Sanpoil, Santa Ana, Santa
Klara, Santiam, Santo Domingo, Saponi, Sarki (Sarsi), Sastean (Sasta),
Satsop, Savannah, Sauk, Saulteaux, Sçaghtikoke (Skatikuk), Seçelt, Sekvepemk
(Sekvepmektsin), Sekani, Selkirk, Seminoles, Seneka, Seri, Serrano, Seşelt,
Severn Okibve, Şanel, Şasta (Şastan), Şavni (Şavano), Şinnekokk, Şoşone
(Şoşoni), Şuar, Şusvap, Siksika (Siksikava), Siletz, Similkamin, Sinkiuse
(Sinkayuse), Sinkyone, Sioux, Siuslav, Skagit, Skikin, S'Klallam, Skokomiş,
Skraeling, Skvamiş, Slavey (Slave, Slavi), Sliammon (Sliamon), Sm'algyax,
Sniçim, Snohomiş, Songiş, Suke, Sourikuois (Sourkuois), Souseastern Pomo,
Sousern Paiute, Spokane (Spokan), Skuamiş, Skvxvu7meş, Stadakonan,
St'at'imkets (St'at'imk), Stokkbridge, Sto:lo, Stoney, Straits Saliş,
Sugpiak, Sukuamiş, Suskuehannokk, Suval, Svampy Kri, Svinomiş
Tabasko Çontal, Taçi (Taçe), Taensa, Tahltan, Tagiş, Tahkully, Taino,
Takelma (Takilma), Takla, Taltuştuntude, Tamyen, Tanakross, Tanaina, Tanana,
Tano, Taos, Tarahumara, Tataviam, Tauira (Tavira), Teguime, Tehaçapi, Ten'a,
Tenino, Tepehuano (Tepekano), Tekuistlateko (Tekuistlatek), Tesukue,
Tetes-de-Boules, Teva, Sompson, Tigua, Tillamuk, Timbişa (Timbaşa), Timukua,
Tinde, Tinneh, Tiva, Tkekan, Tlahuika (Tlahura), Tlatskanie (Tlatskanai),
Tlatsop, Tliço Dinne, Tlingit, Tohono O'odham, Tolova, Tongva, Tonkava,
Tova, Tsalagi (Tsa-la-gi), Tsattine, Tsekani (Tsek'ehne), Tsetsehestahese,
Tsetsaut, Tsilhkot'in (Tzilkotin), Tsimşian (Tsimpşian), Tsitsistas, Tsuke,
Tsoyaha, Tsuu T'ina (Tsuutina), Tualatin, Tubar (Tubare), Tubatulabal,
Takudh, Tulalip, Tumpisa (Tümbişa, Tumbişa), Tunika, Tupi, Tuskarora,
Tutçone, Tutelo, Tututni, Tuva'dukutsid, Tvana, Tvatva (Tvightvi)
Uçi (Uçe, Uçi), Ukiah (Ukian, Uki, Ukia), Ukomnom, Umatilla, Unami, Unangan
(Unangax), Unkeçaug (Unkuaçog) Upper Çehalis, Upper Çinuk, Upper Kovlitz,
Upper Tanana, Upper Umpkua, Ute
Vailaki (Vailakki), Vailatpu (Vaylatpu), Valapai, Valla Valla, Vampano,
Vampanoag, Vanapam, Vanki (Vangki), Vappinger, Vappo, Varikio (Varihio,
Varikío), Varm Springs, Vasko-Vişram, Vaşo (Vaşoe), Vajaje, Vea, Venatçi
(Venatçi), Vendat, Ventureño, Veott, Vestern Pomo, Vhilkut, Vhite Klay
People, Viçita (Vitçita), Vikçamni, Villapa (Villopah), Vinnebago, Vintu
(Vintun), Virginia Algonkin, Vişram, Vitsuvit'en (Vitsuviten), Viyot
(Vi'yot, Vişosk), Volastokevi (Volastokiyik), Vyandot (Vyandotte)
Yakama (Yakima), Yaneşa, Yakuina (Yakonan, Yakon), Yavapai, Yavelmani,
Yakui, Yinka Dene, Yneseño (Ynezeño), Yokot'an, Yokaia (Yakaya), Yokuts
(Yokut, Yokutsan), Yonkalla (Yonkalla), Yovlumni, Ysleño, Ysleta del Sur,
Yukatek Maya (Yukateko, Yukatan), Yuçi (Yuçi) Yuki (Yukian), Yuma, Yupik
(Yu'pik, Yuit), Yurok (Yu'rok)
Zapotek, Zşia, Zimşian, Zokue, Zuni
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